IUL Boot Camp

All-expenses-paid, on-site training on pertinent topics such as Index Universal Life, Insurance Indexing and Premium Finance, in addition to virtual training events.

Premium Finance

Complete premium finance platform with approved vendors and information on carrier requirements and which products fit best for each sale.

Stonewood Financial Tools

IUL sales software developed by Stonewood that will assist agents in presenting IUL concepts that will dramactically increase sales.

Tuition Rewards®

Allow your agents to give their clients guaranteed scholarships at participating colleges. Think of this program like a frequent flyer program for discounts off of tuition.

401K Tax Neutralizer

This online software tool will demonstrate to agent’s clients the future tax liability they will incur when they withdraw funds from their qualified accounts like 401K and 403b plans.

Foreign National Program

Our Foreign National Platform allows life insurance advisors to shop a breadth of carriers with niche foreign national guidelines.

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